المجلة الالكترونية للأكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري : تحرر بالكامل بايدي الطلبة من مختلف الكليات - وتحت اشراف قسم الأخبار الإلكترونية


Learn how to let go … by Mai Elmokadem

To whomever needs to hear this: 

Learn how to let go. 

When you pour sunlight into someone, and they give you ashes and dust back, let them slip away from your fingertips instead of latching on. Love can have a timeline and love can turn sour. Not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever, and that’s okay. Fill your experiences to the brim, saturate your time together with heartfelt laughter and cheek-to-cheek smiles. And when it comes to an end, as everything does in life, don’t fight it. 

Resistance will be your worst enemy when people try to leave. You see, chasing implies that the other person is running, and why would you want to run after someone trying to get away from you? It’s easier said than done, when friendships last for years and bonds are so tightknit you begin seeing yourself as one and talking in sentences saying “we” and “us”. However, the signs are always there, glaring in red right in front of us; just minus a neon sign. We are the ones who chose to ignore and turn a blind eye it. 

When you begin to become restless at night, tossing and turning, tears imprinting on your pillow, clock beaming 2 AM, breath uneven, stuttering, mind racing, heart on fire- 




Take two deep breaths… 

Three, four, five, and unwind your mind. 

Because no one deserves you to have staying up all night wondering why you weren’t good enough.


By: Mai El Mokadem

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