المجلة الالكترونية للأكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري : تحرر بالكامل بايدي الطلبة من مختلف الكليات - وتحت اشراف قسم الأخبار الإلكترونية
Exciting news ! AAST E-Magazine is thrilled to invite you to showcase your talents on our platform. We’re open to a variety of submissions, including
Articles in any Topic( except political topics)
Book Reviews
Short Stories
Poetry and Thoughts
Even Singing talents in video format!
To participate, simply fill out the submission form. Remember to include your Full name, Registration number, Phone number, College, and Branch. Don’t forget to attach a photo of yourself along with your talent.
The form will be live every week, and you can submit multiple times. Let your creativity shine, and let’s make our magazine a vibrant reflection of the diverse talents within our college community.
Looking forward to seeing your amazing contributions!