المجلة الالكترونية للأكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري : تحرر بالكامل بايدي الطلبة من مختلف الكليات - وتحت اشراف قسم الأخبار الإلكترونية

أخبارأخبار الأكاديمية

Marine and Offshore Industry Assembly 2023

The Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport is honored to host another prestigious marine and offshore event, featuring over 30 leading local and international companies and organizations in the fields of Offshore Industry, Marine Engineering, and Marine Safety Measures.

Taking place on the morning of Thursday, November 9th, 2023, this gathering was of utmost importance as it served as a platform for announcing various exciting developments pertaining to the future of AASTMT, as well as the requirements of the Offshore Industry and market.

This event presented significant training opportunities, employment prospects, and job openings from each participating company. Among the noteworthy announcements were the training offers and job opportunities presented by Eng. Mohamed Ahmed Abady, the Technical Superintendent of United Marine Egypt (UME), and the employment and training offers presented by Eng. Ayman Fawzy, the Unit Operations Manager of Jack-up Barge, ADES.

Furthermore, Captain Amr Kataya, the Director of the Maritime sector at Landmark Marine, announced a sponsorship program aimed at supporting new projects that would benefit our local marine industry.

Special gratitude is extended to Dr. Ahmed Samir Shehata, Head of Marine and Offshore Engineering, and Dr. Akram Soliman El-Selmy, the Dean of the College of Engineering and Technology, for their invaluable contributions to the success of this event. Their efforts have resulted in the graduation of hundreds, if not thousands, of qualified and experienced Marine Engineers, Captains, cadets, and Naval officers from our esteemed institution. As a result, both local and international companies now have the privilege of recruiting our graduates, who are renowned for their exceptional professionalism and expertise in their respective fields. Without their remarkable contributions, such skilled professionals would be scarce in the industry.

Media Coverage by : 

Sherif Tamer 

Sara Saad 

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