المجلة الالكترونية للأكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري : تحرر بالكامل بايدي الطلبة من مختلف الكليات - وتحت اشراف قسم الأخبار الإلكترونية

أخبارأخبار الأكاديمية

“Unleashing the Entrepreneurial Spirit: Join the Rally Student Society!”

How are you all doing? We are excited to introduce you to our student society, the Rally Student Society, which is affiliated with the Academy Center for Entrepreneurship. Our mission is to educate people about the concept of entrepreneurship and guide them in transforming their ideas into successful projects with profits and investors.

As a society, we organize significant events within the college, such as Junior Boss and start-ups. These events provide an opportunity for our fellow students to showcase their products to influential figures like Kenzi Madbouly and Monda Makkawi. We are proud to have partnered with sponsors like Retro, Redbull, Chimney’s, and Telda, who support our initiatives.

In addition to our professional endeavors, we also believe in having fun and creating memorable experiences. We organize trips to various cities including Al-Alamin, El-Gouna, Sharm El-Sheikh, Aswan, and many more, without any cost to our members.

The Academy Center for Entrepreneurship offers valuable support to our society members. We have access to courses that enhance our skills and strengthen our resumes, such as marketing courses and interpersonal communication training. These courses provide us with valuable knowledge about entrepreneurship, and upon completion, we receive certificates that can be included in our CVs.

Being a member of our society does not hinder your participation in competitions; on the contrary, we encourage and support your involvement. We are here to assist you and your family throughout the journey.

If you are interested in joining us, kindly fill out the application form provided in the link below. We would be delighted to have you on board!

Application Form:

ازيكوا يا شباب عاملين ايه
حابين نعرفكوا عن ال student society بتاعنا احنا Rally Student society تبع مركز الاكاديميه لرياده الاعمال بنساعد الناس تعرف يعني ايه مصطلح رياده أعمال او Entrepreneurship و بمعني ان المركز بيساعدك تحول مشروعك من مجرد فكره بسيطه جت في دماغك لمشروع قائم له أرباح و مستثمرين
كمان بنعمل events كبيره في الكليه زي junior boss الساعد start ups كتيره من الجامعه عندنا انها تعرض ال products بتاعتهم ل influencers زي كنزي مدبولي و موندا مكاوي و جبنا sponsors زي retro و redbull و Chimney’s و Telda

و طبعا بعد كل المجهود دي منسناش اننا ن have fun و نتبسط من سفر لمدن زي العالمين و الجونه و شرم الشيخ و اسوان و أماكن غيرهم كتير و كل ده for free
المركز كمان بيساعدنا ك society members انه بيدينا كورسات تساعدنا كتير في ال cv زي كورسات marketing و ازاي نعرف نتعامل مع بعض و بتعرف اكتر عن رياده الاعمال كل ده طبعا certified ب شهادات تتحط في ال cv
و وجودك في ال society مش بيمنعك انك تقدم في المسابقه بالعكس ال society بيساعدك و بيأهلك
الحابب يقدم معانا يملي ال form

And we will be so pleasure to join us

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