المجلة الالكترونية للأكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري : تحرر بالكامل بايدي الطلبة من مختلف الكليات - وتحت اشراف قسم الأخبار الإلكترونية

أخبارأخبار الأكاديمية

Enabling Autonomously Intelligent Warehouses: V2X-Based Autonomous Drones and Robots for Enhanced Operations

The Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) recently unveiled a pioneering graduation project titled “Enabling Autonomously Intelligent Warehouses: V2X-Based Autonomous Drones and Robots for Enhanced Operations.” This initiative, developed by the Department of Electronics and Communications and the Department of Computer Engineering, exemplifies the inventive spirit and dedication of the academy’s students to push the boundaries of warehouse management technology.

Team Members and Supervisors

The project was brought to life by a dedicated team of students from the Communications and Computer Engineering Departments:

  • Mohamed Ashraf Ragab
  • Aya Ashraf Ragab
  • Abdelrahman Sharif
  • Mahmoud Ayman
  • Mirihan Tharwat
  • Ahmed Ayman
  • Omar Khaled
  • Khloud Maged
  • Ahmed Hesham
  • Mohamed Nasser
    The project was guided by a team of esteemed professors:
  • Prof. Dr. Mohamed Essam Khedr
  • Prof. Dr. Mohamed El Habrouk
  • Dr. Essam Siddik
  • Dr. Karma Fathallah

Dr. Heba Shaaban also played a crucial role as the organizer of the IEEE YESIST competition, further supporting the project.

Project Description

The project leverages advanced technologies to streamline warehouse operations. Upon the truck driver’s arrival at the warehouse, they request an outdoor drone and a mobile robot via a mobile application. The outdoor drone unloads boxes from the truck, places them onto the mobile robot, and scans the QR codes on the boxes. The mobile robot autonomously navigates to the designated shelf based on the category determined by the QR code information. Once the mobile robot reaches the specified shelf, the robotic arm places the box in the correct location.

Project Components

The project integrates several sophisticated elements to create a fully autonomous and intelligent warehouse system. These components include:

  1. Outdoor Drone: Manages the unloading of boxes from trucks and scans QR codes.
  2. Indoor Drone (Surveillance Drone): Ensures efficiency and security by monitoring warehouse operations.
  3. Mobile Robot: Transports boxes within the warehouse to designated locations.
  4. Mobile Application: Facilitates seamless interaction with the drones and robots.
  5. Robotic Arm with Elevator: Places boxes on the correct shelves based on QR code data.

Awards and Achievements

The project has garnered significant recognition and accolades, including:

– Third place in the “IEEE YESIST” competition, qualifying for the finals in Tunisia.
– Funding from the Academy of Scientific Research amounting to 75,000 Egyptian pounds.
– Qualification for the finals of the Air Defense Competition among 913 teams from Egypt and abroad.
– Qualification to participate in the Egypt IoT Competition with funding from the Engineers Syndicate (though the team had to withdraw according to the conditions of the Academy of Scientific Research).
– Representation of the Arab Academy in a visit to the Prime Minister and Minister of Communications at the Smart Village in Burj Al Arab on Monday, May 27.

Media Spotlight

The project’s success and the team’s innovative efforts were spotlighted on a TV show where the students discussed their achievements in detail. To watch the episode, click on the link below:

Q&A: Engaging with the Innovators

Q1: What inspired you to work on this project?

The increasing demand for efficient warehouse management solutions inspired us to leverage V2X technology and robotics to create an autonomous system that enhances operational efficiency and reduces human error.

Q2: How does your system improve current warehouse operations?

Our system automates the process of unloading, transporting, and shelving boxes, which significantly speeds up operations, improves accuracy, and reduces the need for manual labor.

Q3: What challenges did you face during the development of the project?

Integrating various components like drones, robots, and mobile applications was challenging. Ensuring seamless communication and coordination between these components required extensive testing and debugging.

Q4: What is the significance of the awards and recognitions your project has received?

These awards validate the potential impact of our project in real-world applications. They also motivate us to continue innovating and contributing to technological advancements.

Q5: How do you see the future of warehouse management evolving with such technologies?

With advancements in AI, robotics, and V2X communication, we foresee a future where fully autonomous warehouses become standard, leading to greater efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced safety.


“Enabling Autonomously Intelligent Warehouses: V2X-Based Autonomous Drones and Robots for Enhanced Operations” is a remarkable project that highlights the talent and innovation of AASTMT students. Their work not only advances the field of warehouse management but also sets a new standard for future technological developments. This project stands as a testament to the creativity and commitment of young innovators, and we look forward to seeing how their contributions will shape the future.

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