المجلة الالكترونية للأكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري : تحرر بالكامل بايدي الطلبة من مختلف الكليات - وتحت اشراف قسم الأخبار الإلكترونية

Do you know what time it is?
It’s time to join the IEEE AAST Alexandria Student Branch!
You might be wondering, why would I join the branch?🤔🤔
Well, we’ve got various reasons that might interest you!

1. We’re here to enhance your skills in web app development 🌐 , mobile app development📱, robotics 🤖 , graphic design🖼, and content writing✒.
2. Our volunteers dive into real-life projects, like crafting our fantastic website and organizing exciting events!
3. You’ll collaborate with exceptional, like-minded individuals in a professional and prestigious environment!

To Join IEEE AAST ⬇️

Chairman of IEEE AAST : Omar Khaled

Vice – Chairman : Ahmed Aboualrous

Head Of Marketing : Alaa EL-Rahman